The Alliance Map
Embark on your journey to forge powerful alliances across England in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. As you navigate through the rich and treacherous lands, The Alliance Map will serve as a critical tool for your clan’s growth and survival. In this guide, we’ll unveil the essential knowledge you need to effectively use The Alliance Map, including locating Randvi and choosing your alliances wisely.
Step 1: Finding Randvi in Ravensthorpe
- After you begin your mission, you’ll find yourself in the settlement of Ravensthorpe. Your first task is to locate Randvi, who will be crucial in your pursuit of forming alliances. Look for the teal objective marker on your map to find her. Randvi plays an important role as she introduces you to the concept of making alliances with other clans and monarchs within England, which is pivotal for the prosperity of your own clan.
Step 2: Using the Alliance Map
- Upon meeting with Randvi and discussing the importance of alliances, you will be given the opportunity to view the Alliance Map. It is here that you make strategic decisions about which territories to align with. You will have the option to pledge your allegiance to either Ledecestrescire or Grantebridgescire. In our walkthrough, we chose to pledge to Ledecestrescire, but your choice may vary depending on your preference or strategic considerations.
Step 3: Progressing with Quests
- After establishing your pledge on the Alliance Map, you will have completed this phase of the quest. Subsequently, you have the option to embark on one of three new quests. These quests are The Sons of Ragnar, which is specific to Ledecestrescire, and two Ravensthorpe quests, A New Home and To Serve the Light. For the purpose of our walkthrough, we proceeded with To Serve the Light. Your choice here will determine the direction of your adventure.
Step 4: Continuing the Journey
- Now that you’ve set the groundwork for your alliances and chosen your next quest, the story of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla continues. You can advance to the next part of this guide, focusing on The Kingmaker’s Saga, by heading over to the Ravensthorpe page hub within the guide. Here, you will find detailed instructions to navigate through the subsequent stages of your epic saga.
This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the necessary tools to make the most out of your experience in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. As you venture forth, remember that each decision on The Alliance Map can significantly impact your journey, so choose wisely. Good luck, Eivor; may your axe be sharp and your alliances strong.