Forward To Death
Cyberpunk 2077
Here is your comprehensive guide to complete the Forward To Death mission in Cyberpunk 2077.
Step 1: Follow Panam
- Continue straight on from the previous mission, We Gotta Live Together, and follow Panam as she leads you down to the rest of the clan.
- Once you reach Saul, he will give you a Shard containing details of their reconnaissance mission at the construction site.
Step 2: Use the Drone to Scan the Construction Site
- Slot in the Shard and take control of the drone used during the recon mission.
- Scan important aspects of the site, such as the communications tower and main gate, to gather information.
- Scan all required areas and remove the Shard to return to the Aldecaldos camp.
Step 3: Gear Up and Speak with Saul and Panam
- After removing the Shard, it’s recommended to gear up for the raid.
- Then, speak with Saul and Panam to let them know you’re ready to go.
- Follow Panam and climb into the Panzer.
Step 4: Follow Saul
- Follow Saul as he leads the way through the Badlands towards the Militech construction site.
- Use your sniper rifle to destroy incoming drones that attack the Panzer.
- Once dealt with, Panam will get the Panzer back up and running.
- Continue following Saul.
Step 5: Ram your Way through the Bridge
- As you approach the bridge, eliminate drones and Militech soldiers blocking the path.
- Use the Panzer’s machine gun to take them out and push through the barriers.
Step 6: Eliminate All Enemies in the Area
- After crossing the bridge, you’ll face a large group of soldiers blocking the main gate.
- Defeat all 11 enemies in the area and ram through the seal gate.
Step 7: Neutralize All Enemies
- Use Panam’s sniper rifle for cover and neutralize all eight enemies towards the end of the area.
- Take out six drones patrolling the area and two Militech soldiers on the stairs leading to the control room.
Step 8: Escort Mitch and Carol
- Wait for Mitch and Carol to arrive after defeating all enemies.
- Follow them up the nearby set of stairs and escort them to the control room as they hack into the system to activate the SERC system.
Step 9: Neutralize Militech’s Forces
- While escorting Mitch and Carol, 20 Militech forces will attack.
- Always be on the move, using quickhacks and grenades for cover.
- Defeat all 20 forces and wait for a brief break before the next wave.
Step 10: Neutralize Militech’s Forces Again
- Similar to the previous wave, stay on the move and use cover to defeat the 13 Militech forces.
Step 11: Enter the Basilisk and Intercept Militech’s Strike Team
- Head towards the waypoint marker outside the construction site.
- Destroy the incoming drones and then take out the missile strike vehicles.
Step 12: Drive Into the Tunnel
- Once the area is clear, use the Panzer to destroy the tunnel’s entrance.
- Set the Panzer on auto-pilot and continue driving into the tunnel.
Congratulations! You have now completed the Forward To Death main job in Cyberpunk 2077.